Daily Archives: February 13, 2007

>Did I really just do that?

>Ever have one of those days when your brain just shuts down? Like when you go to check up on the newest Harry Potter book and your browser takes you here? Or you fall head over heels for a singer you find on iTunes and discover she’s a trainwreck? Or you contemplate the list of candidates for the next election?

Uh… where was I? Oh yeah…

For a midwest-themed dinner and a viewing of one of the best movies John Cusack ever made, I made green bean casserole and a jello mold. Not too tough, right? Boil the greenbeans, mix them with milk, a can of cream of mushroom soup, pepper and french fried onions, bake, top with more onions and bake some more.

Unfortunately my head was elsewhere. Two things I learned:

1.) When making something that has crispy bits, it is a good idea to serve the dish while the bits are still… crispy. Rather than cooking the whole thing and then putting it in the fridge overnight.

2.) If you want gelatin to set properly, best not to add more liquid to it. Seriously.

Recipes and post mortem to come.